Personal Projects
Spotify Unlocked is a Ruby on Rails web application that:
- Integrates with the Spotify API to display data on any song, artist or album on Spotify
- Generates custom metrics on user data like hidden gems, favorite decades, and more
- Constructs a chord representation of a song using pitch vectors
Tolkein Text is PyTorch neural network that:
- Trains an LSTM language model on The Lord of the Rings.
- Uses the trained model to generate new text based on LOTR
- Preprocesses and tokenizes raw text for use as training data
Runamer is a Ruby on Rails web application that:
- Automatically renames Strava runs on creation using the Strava API and webhooks
- Picks a random activity name from a large dataset of quotes
- Stores user authentication data and handles refreshes when necessary
Code Breaker is a Flask web application that:
- Provides encryption functions for Caesar, substitution, and Vignere ciphers
- Uses a character-level language model to break Caesar ciphers by brute force
- Implements a beam search algorithm to break substitution ciphers
Data Structs (code)
Implementation of common data structures in C. Currently includes:
- Linked List
- Binary Search Tree
- List (dynamic sized array)
- Stack
- Hash Table
- Heap